Cole Sommers
Cole Sommers is one of the stars of Netflix’s Space Dealers, currently streaming in over two dozen countries. He has channeled his lifelong interest in space exploration by buying and selling space artifacts for over 20 years. Cole is the owner of MoonSpacesuits, a company which makes replica NASA space suits. Cole has been a dentist for two decades and the co-author of two books. His first book, The Roots of Disease, features a forward by actor James Earl Jones. He has written numerous articles on the oral/systemic connection of dental disease. Cole is one of the first dentists in the country to explore the flaws in existing dental paradigms on the oral/systemic connection. His second book, The Toxic Tooth, and his latest article, Getting to the Root of the Root Canal Controversy: Facts versus Ideology has gained widespread support from both dentists and physicians. Cole continues to present cutting edge medical and dental information at coletrex.com. An accomplished aerobatic pilot, Cole bought his first plane, a Yakovlev 52, shortly after graduating NYU Dental School. Cole plays piano, guitar and bass. While in dental school he portrayed Paul McCartney with three medical school friends in a Beatles tribute band aptly named Beatlemedica, appearing multiple times on New York’s longest running TV talk and variety show “The Joe Franklin Show” as well as other TV shows like Fox’s “Midday with Bill Boggs”. A songwriter as well as a guitarist and pianist, Cole’s band played original music in Manhattan dance clubs such as as CDGB’s, Nirvana and The Bitter End. Cole is the lead author of the medical paper titled An Unsuccessful Sinus Surgery Caused by Dental Involvement Within the Floor of the Maxillary Sinus (2004) published in Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. It is cited as one of the references in the American Association of Endodontists position statement, Maxillary Sinusitis of Endodontic Origin. He has been a regular guest on Healthy Talk Radio and has lectured at medical meetings such as the American College for Advancement in Medicine. Cole has created a mini space museum/music studio called MoonRocks, complete with a full-size Apollo command module mockup and fully equipped performance stage. MoonRocks’ mission was to inspire children and bring back the positive energy and “can do” attitude that got us to the moon within a decade. Cole has been interviewed and profiled in many publications including The New York Times, and most recently noted on the cover of Bedford magazine and profiled inside in a full color illustrated article on him and aerospace fame headlined understandably as, “The Right Stuff.” Leaving his successful dental practice several years ago, Cole transformed his MoonSpaceSuits part time hobby project into a lucrative business that makes and markets replica space suits for collectors, museums, company promotions, TV and film around the world. Cole had served as vice chairman of Quantrek under his friend, Apollo 14 astronaut and moonwalker Dr. Edgar Mitchell. Quantrek was dedicated to public education and research focused on the science of consciousness and quantum physics, specifically focused on the Quantum Hologram (QH) theory. Cole is also a screenwriter. His latest screenplay titled Flight of Columbus is about man’s first journey to Mars after the discovery of an alien spacecraft recently discovered long buried in the Martian sand. Cole’s wife is a successful New York physician who completed her medical residency at New York’s Albert Einstein School of Medicine. Although Cole maintains a vigorous 6 days a week 90-minute workout schedule, he and his wife make sure that they are at the health club together at least two of those days and mix it up with cycling, hot yoga, weight training and the treadmill. Cole and his wife have twin daughters. Cole’s philosophy is simple: “Life is short. If you can dream it, then do it. Your deeds are your monuments.”