Steve Cardenas
Steve Cardenas is an American martial artist, actor and musician. Steve is best known for his roles in the Power Rangers franchise. He played Rocky DeSantos, the second Red Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Blue Zeo Ranger in Power Rangers Zeo. He also appeared in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, Power Rangers Turbo and Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel. Additional credits include The Grindhouse Radio, video games GHR: The Great Airspace Chase and Liquid Metal, and recently in The Order.
Steve teaches martial arts and owns the Force/Balance Brazilian jiu-jitsu & Yoga School in Burbank, California. He started training in martial arts at age 12 and reached black belt in Taekwondo at age 16. Today he holds a 5th degree black belt in Taekwondo and a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He holds multiple awards from martial arts contests including two Silver Medals at Copa Pacifica (2009 and 2011), Gold Medal winner of the 2009 American National Championship, Gold Medal in the 2010 Jujitsu Pro Gear Open and Silver Medal in the 2010 No-Gi World Championships.
Steve appears at conventions around the world meeting fans. You can follow him on Facebook (@stevecardenas123) and Twitter (@SteveCardenas).